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Safe-White 1.0ml Protocol

Safe-White 1.0ml <font color="blue">Protocol</font>
Safe-PackTM - Substitute for loading dye
With SafeViewTM dyes (Safe-Green,Red,White,PackTM), you do not need to add any dyes to
both gel matrix and running buffers. SafeViewTM dyes are provided in a form of 6X sample
loading dyes and they are to be added to your samples only. The SafeViewTM dyes eliminate
contamination risk of glassware or gel running tank as associated with EtBr. After the
electrophoresis, view and document your results as you would do with EtBr staining protocols.
1. Prepare a 100 ml agarose or polyacrylamide solution.
2. Mix gently without introducing any air bubbles.
3. For agarose gel, let the solution cool down to 60 - 70oC and cast the gel. For
polyacrylamide gel, add APS and TEMED and cast the gel according to regular
polyacrylamide gel casting protocol.
4. Mix samples and DNA marker with SafeViewTM dye at a1:5 (dye : sample) dilution rate.
5. Following electrophoresis, view the results under UV or blue LED light.

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