Protogel 37.5:1 Monomer Solution for Protein Separation
- 37.5:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Optimized for SDS-PAGE (laemmli gels) of Proteins
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels, Zero Fluorescence
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
ProtoGel 30%
ProtoGel forms an electrophoresis matrix that is ideal for the separation of proteins and polypeptides. ProtoGel is a stabilized, ready-to-use 30% (w/v) acrylamide/methylene bisacrylamide solution (37.5:1 ratio), manufactured from the highest quality materials, from which virtually all impurities have been removed. ProtoGel has zero acrylic acid content, eliminating the fixed charges that cause band streaking. Additionally, oxidation products such as aldehydes have been removed by a selective adsorption process. Aldehydes can attack proteins, altering the structure of the sample, and thus altering Rf values. With ProtoGel, you can trust that your results will be consistent one electrophoretic run to the next.
ProtoGel 40%
ProtoGel forms an electrophoresis matrix that is ideal for the separation of proteins and polypeptides. ProtoGel is a stabilized, ready-to-use 30% (w/v) acrylamide/methylene bisacrylamide solution (37.5:1 ratio), manufactured from the highest quality materials, from which virtually all impurities have been removed. ProtoGel has zero acrylic acid content, eliminating the fixed charges that cause band streaking. Additionally, oxidation products such as aldehydes have been removed by a selective adsorption process. Aldehydes can attack proteins, altering the structure of the sample, and thus altering Rf values. With ProtoGel, you can trust that your results will be consistent one electrophoretic run to the next.
ProtoGel is stable ro 24 months when stored tightly capped in a dark area at room temeprature (20° C).
ProtoGel Stacking Buffer
The use of ProtoGel Stacking Buffer will ensure the purity and performance of your Laemmli gels. ProtoGel Resolving Buffer forms a gel of 0.125 M Tris-HCl and 0.1% SDS, pH 6.8.
ProtoGel Stacking Buffer is stable for 24 months when stored tightly capped in a dark area at room temperature.
ProtoGel Quick-Cast 12%
With the introduction of ProtoGel Quick-Cast, the time required for casting gels for protein separation has been reduced from two hours to under twenty-five minutes, and the number of steps involved has been cut from ten to only three. With ProtoGel Quick-Cast, simply measure out the amount needed, add initiatiors and cast the gel. No mixing, no multiple measurements, no need for a second casting to produce a stacking gel.
ProtoGel Quick-Cast gels are run in standard 1X Tris-Glycine SDS. Electrical parameters will vary from apparatus to apparatus, but typically gels are run at 170 volts for 60 minutes.
ProtoGel Quick-Cast gels require no special handling after the run. Simply stain according to standard protocols.
ProtoGel Quick-Cast is stable for 24 months when stored tightly capped in the refrigerator (4° C)
ProtoGel Resolving Buffer (4X)
The use of ProtoGel Resolving Buffer will ensure the purity and performance of your Laemmli gels. ProtoGel Resolving Buffer forms a gel of 0.375 M Tris-HCl and 0.1% SDS, pH 8.8. ProtoGel Resolving Buffer is stable for 24 months when stored tightly capped in a dark area at room temperature.
ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit
Contaminants in the sample such as high salt or urea lead to blurred bands or smiling gels in SDS-PAGE. With the ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit, interfering substances from upstream applications can no longer gain entry to the well. Contaminants are washed away with a simple method. The sample loaded contains only pure protein and loading buffer with no contaminants remaining to impede reproducible, high-resolution results.
In addition to purification, proteins previously too dilute for SDS-PAGE can now be concentrated prior to electrophoresis with a simple method. The ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit concentrates proteins as dilute as 25 ng/100 µl. The unique ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit casts the finest net of any recovery system, concentrating all proteins in high yield regardless of identity. With the ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit, the purity and concentration of your SDS-PAGE samples are both under your control.
ProtoGlow ECL
ProtoGlow ECL delivers the latest technology developed for enhances chemiluminescent detection on Western blots. The unique chemistry of the ProtoGlow ECL system increases the sensitivity of Western blots by up to 20 fold. This allows the detection of proteins at lower abundance and/or the use of higher dilutions of primary and secondary antibodies, economizing on these expensive reagents.
Available Models
Product Code |
Description |
NDIEC-890 |
ProtoGel 30%, 1 Litre Bottle, Each |
NDIEC-891 |
ProtoGel 40%, 1 Litre Bottle, Each |
NDIEC-893 |
ProtoGel Stacking Buffer, 200 ml Bottle, Each |
NDIEC-895 |
ProtoGel Quick-Cast 12%, 450 ml Bottle, Each |
NDIEC-892 |
ProtoGel Resolving Buffer (4X), 1 Litre Bottle, Each |
NDIEC-884 |
ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit, Each |
NDISP-101 |
ProtoGlow, 200 ml Bottle, Each |
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